This Weekend
Haven't felt much like working on anything. Just feeling... blah. Need to get out among people probably. I did finish one washcloth and start another. And I have been working on Amy's hat.
If I had to guess what has put me in the funk, among other things, is that one of my first cousins knits and she made my mom a prayer shawl. That's kinda like the shawl I am making her. I don't have any motivation to work on it anymore. She doesn't really need it.
Sorry... feeling tired and unmotivated and just, well, missing my family. I would love to go visit my mom but there is a ton of snow still there. Perhaps I should just find something to do for Easter weekend. Suggestions?
If I had to guess what has put me in the funk, among other things, is that one of my first cousins knits and she made my mom a prayer shawl. That's kinda like the shawl I am making her. I don't have any motivation to work on it anymore. She doesn't really need it.
Sorry... feeling tired and unmotivated and just, well, missing my family. I would love to go visit my mom but there is a ton of snow still there. Perhaps I should just find something to do for Easter weekend. Suggestions?
At 9:09 AM,
Tipa said…
What's wrong with snow that would keep you from visiting your mom?
Anyway, no snow left here in Connecticut. We're south but not THAT far south. I can't imagine any snow in NH would cause you any trouble. The last few times we've been to NH the roads have been clear. We may be going up this weekend as well.
You really should go.
Also, I haven't heard from Andrew since he left, but he wanted me to ask you if you could come to his graduation (whenever that is)? PROBABLY mid June sometime, but it could be earlier or later; I won't know for a month at least.
Going to try and get as much of the family as possible there. I didn't try to gather the family for Ally's and as a result, only Andy and I were there. I should have done more then, but that's in the past so I'm just going to try and not make that same mistake twice.
At 2:32 PM,
Corinne said…
Hi there. I am in a knitting slump. No desire, although there is a lot of unfinished objects around my house just screaming to be knit. That sucks about the prayer shawl, but you know, the one you are knitting for your Mom will be special, I mean, come on, YOU are knitting it for her and it will be beautiful!!
At 6:37 PM,
Brooke Knits said…
I don't think airfare to NH is affordable at this late date - call your mum on Sunday and chat; as for actual Easter - I say, go to a church service, or just take a walk....sometimes you just have to live in the moments between breathes....and I say, you must attend Andrew's graduation. When my baby graduated from bootcamp (USAF) - we went to TX and it was an, his US Army gradution is set for next month - we have our airfare booked, hotel, rental car etc. The experience is a once in a lifetime (ok, twice for us LOL) - but seriously. As big as shitheads as our kids can be in their teen years, etc. They become amazing young men/woman during the bootcamp process. I can guarantee you - you will not recognize the young Marine who graduates in June?? as your son.. He will have changed in amazing ways. My Soldier has been able to call home - 'cause he is prior service and not at "bootcamp" - the change in just the last month is'll cry, you'll be so proud.... as for the shawl.. i say knit it - so what if someone else has knit one.. this one has YOUR prayers in it.. it makes it that much more special... If you want to come up for EAster.. no kids - no serious plans.. the pagen easter: bloody marry cocktails & eggs benedict for breakfast (brunch) don't call too early - and Arnold Palmers starting at about 1p. If you want faith based/traditional easter sunday stuff - you will not find it at Case De Knit - love ya.
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