Wish List
I know this is a duplicate of my posting in my regular blog but this is cool so I have to post it here, too!
Yippie! Someone told me how to create a wish list so I now have one at Froogle. I am hoping this works and I will add to it as I come across things that look interesting. You can reach it by going to: http://froogle.google.com/shoppinglist/shoppinglist?a=SWL&id=a69ae53d93fcefc9925c247bd9391dc47d37b714
Yippie! Someone told me how to create a wish list so I now have one at Froogle. I am hoping this works and I will add to it as I come across things that look interesting. You can reach it by going to: http://froogle.google.com/shoppinglist/shoppinglist?a=SWL&id=a69ae53d93fcefc9925c247bd9391dc47d37b714