Crafty Rantings

I'm Crafty. I Rant. These are Crafty Rantings!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Crafting and the Sick

OK, here's the scoop. Being sick and being crafty just don't mix for me. I hardly did anything at all while on vacation craftwise and it wasn't because I was too busy. I was not well enough to do much of anything. I did one small project. I did, however, manage to hit a yarn shop and think of a way to solve a "problem" I was having with myself. I didn't like the finished look of some projects so I started thinking of how to "fix" it and make the end product look better. Oh my, did I ever! I am extremely happy with the result. Unfortunately for everyone else, you can't see it because it's for Christmas presents! I wish I were working on something OTHER than presents for Christmas because then I could post pictures. I will, however, post a picture of Matt's last afghan when I finish it.

In the meantime, please enjoy these pictures of some of the yarn I purchased at the yarn shop in New Hampshire. Yes, greedy little me... that was one of my birthday presents to myself. What yummy blues! All hand dyed! All from New Hampshire! I cannot decide what to do but feel that felted bowls would be not enough. Patterns/suggestions anyone?

Monday, October 16, 2006


I will be getting on an airplane and headed back to California tomorrow. I will really miss being with my family and old home state. I will try to post a picture or two when I get home but since I have been sick for most of a week and a half, I have hardly done anything no less knit. I started a very small project in the airport in Sacramento on Monday last week and finished it last night. Normally that small a project is done in a night. That should tell you how tired I've been. Hopefully I will get back into knitting when I get home since I won't have too much to do. I do hope so anyway. I can tell you that I went nutty at a craft supply store and it had nothing to do with yarn. But my, oh my, how much fun!

More when I'm back in California. And btw, my birthday was wonderful. :)