
I am getting a package together for mom when I finish a certain project (the one that needs to be altered) so when that is ready to go I will post pictures.
So until next posting, know I am crocheting my little fingers off. I have a project to work on for Kaylee which should keep me busy.
Oh hey, btw, I was looking for something tonight and I found a huge tote bag filled with BIG skeins of Bernat Handcrafter cotton in stripes and varigated colors. I have more cotton than I can every use. But, sadly, it is most variegated so I will have to use those to make crochet things for my stash (or knit - I have a few patterns that are good for variegated). I go through periods where all I do is knit and now I'm in the crochet zone. After I finish the project for my mom and another similar one I am sure I will be back to knitting. We shall see. So, having said that I have more cotton than I will ever use I am off to shop on the internet for more of the BIG skeins of Bernat Handcrafter in SOLID colors. I have very small amounts of solids that aren't either pink (of any shade) or blue. I think I am seriously addicted to cotton yarn. Dare I say even moreso than patterns and THAT is a serious addiction!