Two Recent Items
I joined a swap at swap-bot that was kinda fun. I haven't received my package yet but I haven't picked up my mail in a couple of days so I will do that on the way to work tomorrow just in case. Anyway, it was called "Use It Up Dishcloth Swap" and the point was to use your scraps to make your partner 2 dishcloths. I had one that had been sitting around for a while that was a ballband which, while I like the colors, I felt deserved a better home. So I took some other scraps and made this:
I made this dishcloth using a crochet pattern I like which is a combination of a "V" stitch and 3 double crochets which make a kind of "shell". Then to tie it together I used beige in a single crochet around the edge. I thought it owuld be ugly but it was kinda pretty.

On to the next project... I have made several of these, usually for me. When I lived in the duplex it was very cold so to keep my ears warm, I wore one of these to bed. The pattern is a skull cap for cancer patients but I loved how it was tight and warm. So over the weekend I made this one to send a friend who has a family member who can use this. It's the navy blue yarn that was leftover from Dad's scarf. I thought it went to a good use.. I had my teddy bear, Brownie, model it so it's hard to see the stitch but I have posted pictures of these before, long ago. Brownie, btw, celebrated her 73rd birthday at the beginning of this month. Despite the fur that has been rubbed off from loving children (mom and then me!), she is in pretty darn good shape. And she just LOVES modeling my knit items. Perhaps someday I will make her a shirt and pair of pants (if the pattern were easy enough!). Until then, she just models hats and scarves and enjoys her moment in the spotlight. :)