Yesterday - Saturday November 3rd
Yesterday I went to a couple of craft fairs. I didn't expect to find much. And, quite frankly, didn't at the first. But at the second, I found all kinds of neat things at really great prices. A bunch of cute homemade oranments and fridge magnets for $.25 to $.50. I bought a pair of size 8 knitting needles for $1. The two items above were great because not only were they inexpensive but they have give me ideas of things I could make. The top is an earwarmer/headband done in crochet. It's a bit big for me (it did say "large") but I can fix that by sewing the back seam a bit tighter. The bottom item is probably hard to figure out but it's a pincushion. I took it apart and will have to again to completely figure it out. It's got a plastic thimble in the middle. The different colors are knit strips sewed into the circle shape after folding them in half. Each circle is bigger than the next. Easy but cute and very useful! I could make some of these as gifts or for swapping!
Above is a scarf I made between Friday and Saturday which could have been done in one day if I had wanted to not do other things. :) It may be hard to see. It is made from Paton's Divine (in raspberry - that's hard to see in the scarf but all the fringe was just that yarn) which is soft and fluffy. The pink eyelash yarn from Bernat is probably too fuzzy for this kind of scarf because it dominates but I liked it. Doesn't look like the example in the store but it's cute and it's mine. It is so extremely easy to make - 10 stitches on size 35 needles. That's why it's fast. And next time maybe I'll use Fizz like the one in the store and then you can see the Divine yarn better.
A steal, actually, when you consider I purchased the yarn at an expensive yarn store for a total of $9. Scarves at the craft fairs started at $10-$12. Granted, I paid $10 for the needles but I can use those over and over and make a bunch more scarves. But... I think it has to be something like the Divine yarn which is fluffy. I don't think regular worsted or wool would work since the stitches are so big. I may test that out later.
So as you can tell, yesterday was busy. I have projects I am working on that I have to finish and an upcoming swap to make dishcloths and holidays... yup, gotta get those hooks and needles flying!
At 12:29 PM, Anonymous said…
Hey I can't wait for you to come out for Christmas time. lol I hope to get to spend some time with you and your family. I'll take an hour or two lol.
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